Program Description
- This program generates random pitches within specified ranges (see Offsets). What is more, the the instrument may be set to any one of the 128 instruments in the GM 1 sound bank via the umenu object. (Notice that the menu adds an offset of 1 to each instrument number. See if you can figure out how it does that). The pgmout object implements a MIDI program change command on channel 1. The incoming number set the instrument.
New Objects
Object Reference
MIDI Specifications
- The MIDI Association
- The GM 1 Sound Set
- GM Instrument Map {SquareSpace.com}
- GM Percussion Key Map {cmu.edu}
- Max’s Built-in General MIDI Synthesizers {Cycling ’74}
- Mac OS: Apple Audio Unit DLS (Down-Loadable-Sounds) synthesizer
- Windows: Microsoft GS Wavetable Synthesizer
Updated: 9/17/22